Miyerkules, Setyembre 5, 2012

a decade of valentine

2001  (my personal message on the card i gave him)

alam mo bang i often associate valentines with bitter and painful memories?  for the past years kinaiinisan ko na dumating ang araw na ito.  you know, we girls have always had this fantastic idea about valentine.  having no boyfriend then, i just have to pretend that this day is no big deal.  and my memories of valentine depressed me that i was never excited for this day to come.  baka masasaktan na anman ako or madi-disappoint lang ako dahil di nangyari 'yon tulad ng inaasahan ko.  this is my first valentine with a boyfriend around.  and having you beside to hug on, to feel your kisses or simply to tlak with is more than enough.  anyway, every valentine i'll have will always remind me of you, the only man i deeply love.  every day with you is always a valentine.  mahal na mahal kita...risha

my valentine card  message through the years reads...

When I was little i daydreamed about the sort of person I would love someday.  I pretended I would find someone out of a fairy tale, someone wonderful who wasn't like anyone else in the world.

When I grew up, i stopped believing in love, because things never seemed to work out the way I hoped they would...  but then somebody came along and changed my life in a way I never thought possible.

I must be luckier than most people because my dream really has come true.
I love someone wonderful, someone who isn't like anyone else in the world.
I love you

2003 http://multiply.com/mu/rishaporras/image/HHACbaEFxrd+1sXo1Rfl8Q/photos/1M/300x300/3570/IMG-8385.JPG?et=yyy%2Bl44C1o9CPL1UA%2B1%2BwQ&nmid=0
Even when I first met you, I knew somehow that you would be the love of my life.
And that's exactly what you are No matter how many years go
 by, I'll still think of you as the person i want to share everything with, the person i most want to make happy, the one without whom life would never be the same.
You're my world, my life, 
my everything.
I love you with all my heart, and i always will.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY my valentine for life


It's valentine's day and young lovers are enjoying the freshness of their relationships.  i remember how it used to be that way with us...yet everything is deeper and richer now because we've weathered so many storms, and seasons together.  And i want to weather many more as I grow old with you.

I always said i wanted a man who could make http://multiply.com/mu/rishaporras/image/x4eW5N0YbiGqZRYnLJGtbQ/photos/1M/300x300/3564/IMG-8387.JPG?et=BMLkW7r4MN3xO0GskKWCTw&nmid=0me laugh - and i found you.  you can make me laugh even when I'm mad at you!  I want to laugh when I'm old...with you.
I wanted a man who loved me for me and who believed in me --- and I found you.  there have been times when you didn't know what to do with me but you keep on loving me.  I want to be cherished when I'm old...by you.

I wanted a man who wouldn't grow tired of me, nor I of him --- and i found you.  We're still discovering things to learn about each other.  And while life may be difficult sometimes, i'ts never boring.  I want to be challenged when I'm old...  by you.

You are my best friend, my creative critic, my trusted comrade, and my favorite person.  even when I am angry with you, I want to be friends when I'm old ...  with you.

I enjoy your company more than anyone else's.  I pick out your voice from a hundred others across crowds of people.  I am home with you, and I want to be home when I'm old...with you.

Through seasons of uncertainties, your love and commitment are certain and sure.  For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, I am committed to you.  and I want to grow old ...  loving you..

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