Huwebes, Setyembre 6, 2012

is your man obsessed, addicted, or just simply in love with you? here are 101 sure signs to tell if he's all that.

                                                                                                                                                Feb 14, '11 
(allow me to be crazily romantic since it's v-day.  tomorrow back to business as usual.  i forgot where i got this but to be sure it was ten years ago when i was still young, innocent and in love.  masyado pa ang kababawan ko noon.  i even had my own notes on each number.  but it's lenghty already)

1.  he eats your leftovers no matter how stuffed his face is.
2.  he kisses you as often as he can -- in person or over the phone.
3.  he embraces you tightly till you're out of breath.
4.  he brushes your hand while he's driving.
5.  he brushes your hair off your eyes so you can see well.
7.  he lets you bite every chunky part of his body and pretend it doesn't hurt a wee bit just to make you happy.
8.  he can tell if a certain dress will suit you the moment he sees it in the mall.
9.  he supports every hairstyle you wear.  he's not going to say:" don't worry baby, it'll grow back!"
11.  he's forgiven you a million times and will forgive you no matter what.
12.  he puts his arm around you while you both watch a movie.
13.  he thinks his fave romantic movies - the ones with happy endings - are all about you or might happen to both of you.
14.  he texts you mushy messages.
15.  he texts you green jokes 'coz he's naughty but nice.
16.  he gets alarmed if he texts you and you don't reply after 15seconds.
17.  he can't concentrate it you're out on gimmicks with your mixed barkada.
18.  he whispers funny things about the people around you.
19.  he gets really mad at you when you're lying, especially since he knows you know he's such a gullible.
20.  he compliments you in front of your friends.
21.  he gets jealous of all the guys around you - good looking or not.
22.  he dreams of you while he's awake, asleep, or driving.
23.  he wishes that your future child would get your brains.
24.  he supports you when you wear revealing clothes even though there is nothing to reveal.
27.  he calls you baby, baby girl, baby cake.
28.  he thinks you have a great butt.  hello!  where is it?
29.  he laughs at your corny, nonsensical jokes.
30.  he waits for you for many hours when you have a date but will tell you: "it's okay, i      just  got here".
32.  he dreams about your future while listening to the priest's sermon.
33.  he's absolutely amazed at your eating with your bare hands - he thinks you do it with such style.
34.  he watches you while you're sleeping.
35.  he eats all the pizza and bread crust you don't like to eat.
37.  he can't wait to brag about his new shirt or cap he bought to impress you.
38.  he sings to you even though he's out of tune.
39.  he gives you flowers, simply for coming into his life.
40.  he apologizes even though it's not his fault.
41.  he lets you sleep in his arms for hours and won't complain about the cramps.
42.  he takes care of you when you're drunk.
43.  he takes advantage of you when you're drunk...and you let him.
44.  the greatest challenge for him is to make you smile if you're on the verge of crying.
45.  he tolerates your "kaartehan' and thinks it suits you.
46.  he tolerates your "kalandian" and thinks you look adorable.
47.  he compliments you on your clothes - under dress or over-dress.
48.  he falls in line to use the pay phone just to talk to you when his cellphone goes low-batt.
49.  he calls you when he's out with the guys and doesn't mind their teasing.
50.  he winks at you...  at least he tries.
51.  he gives you bear hug inside elevators.
53.  your enemies become his instant enemies.
54.  he thinks you have the sweetest smile.
55.  he loves every nail polish color you wear.
56.  he takes care of all the gifts you've given him.  if he can keep it inside a steel cabinet and lock it, he would.
57.  he thinks you'll be a good wife.
58.  he adopts every expression you use ("yuck!", "my God!", "yikes!"
59.  he's been dying to sleep on your tummy.
60.  he asks you about your day, hour by hour - like news updates.
61.  he can tell if you're pissed
62.  he can tell if you're jealous.
64.  he loves you just because.
65.  he pretends to like your friends even though he can't stand some of them.
66.  he looks forward to your dates and wears his best clothes for you.
68.  he consults you on what he should wear.
69.  he never forget anniversaries, birthdays, monthly periods(!), etc.
72.  he gets mad when you sleep at night without calling him on the phone first.
70.  he thinks you're getting prettier each day.
71.  he can't wait to see you even though you just parted ways.
73.  he's patient with you when you have PMS.
75.  he wants to be your lifetime partner.
76.  he dreads the day that you'll get tired of loving him
77.  he really tries to fit your dates into his busy schedule.
78.  he denies the pain when you hurt him inadvertently or intentionally.
79.  he scratches your back
80.  he holds your hands while introducing you to his family and friends.
81.  he hugs you in public.
82.  he gives you a quick kiss in public.
89.  he pretends to be demanding and over protective just to prove to you that he is not "ander de saya".
90.  when you fight and you cry, he gets flustered even though you're just blackmailing him emotionally.
91.  he doesn't compare you to the other women in his past.
92.  he complains about something you did, but when you explain your side, you have the last word,and he regrets bringing up the subject int the first place.
93.  he is your loving slave.
94.  everything you say matters to him.
95.  he thinks it's cute if you're not good with numbers.
97.  he memorizes your family tree and your family history.
98.  when he's happy, he wants you'to be in the first one to know why.  when he's down he wants you to console him.
99.  he forgets his barkada when he's with you, sometimes to the point of losing his buddies because he's nowhere to be found.
100.  he always includes you in his prayers.
101.  but then again, he thinks to himself, nothing is definite in this world.  so if he should lose you, one thing's sure - you've made him really happy.

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