Sabado, Setyembre 1, 2012

a pair of shoes

 Nov 19, '07 9:14 PM

We were off to Guimaras yesterday without us knowing that both provinces are on Signal no. 2. Although it was humid, the waves were just normal. Anyway, we had two occasions for the day, the thanksgiving of the church and launching of our livelihood program in partnership with the LGU.

And there I am again with these thoughts every time I happen to attend church ceremonies with kids on attendance. I am particular with the footwear, not because I was casting degradation on what they have to wear but analyzing how footwear shows our way of life. The place was located some kilometers away from the town proper and the road has gone muddy with the rain. So as expected they came with their muddy shoes and slippers. I’ve seen it before but I still felt a sting in my heart seeing that they have to leave their footwear outside so as not to bring the dirt inside. Oh well, that may sound simple but as a child how would you feel when you see the visitors or the older ones who can take theirs in.

There was this girl who caught my attention. She arrived in slippers but she brought along a shoebox. And there, when she came in, she put on her white sandals. I’ve seen her go over again her shoebox back thrice as if checking on a precious possession. Along with the other children, they were not there just to attend but to perform on a certain part of the service. They all dance with such gusto but as always I pity them for not having to wear shoes on what is suppose to be a special day for them. In most cases, even if it was not raining, they will come in slippers because that is all they got.

For me who wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I guess along with many out there, once we all dream with that shoes we’ve seen on the window display; or wished we are wearing what they have on TV; or just simply for us to have what our playmate has. Back in my elementary years, our school wasn’t so strict with footwear, I did come from public school, so me myself I only wear one on special occasions. Somewhat it’s a driving force to study harder because I got a new pair of it and new clothes once I was in the honor roll. And I don’t know if it was some sort of deprivation that when I finally had a job, to a shoe company at that, I got myself new shoes almost every week. For a while it just brings me happiness seeing pairs of it that was almost like a collection. But after some time, I have learned that what is happier is giving it away when it’s too much for me. What’s the use of a collection when I know it can bring a smile to someone whom I’ll hand it over.

Shoes had taught me so much about life. It taught me to reach out, to settle with my limitations, to be happy of what I have and what I can only have, and yes, to dream, that someday I can share thousands of it; that someday I will never see a child not wearing one simply because he cannot afford it. May they have that one beautiful pair of shoes which can they wear proudly and let it run them to miles and miles away.

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