Sabado, Setyembre 1, 2012

of choices and chances

                                     CHOICES? CHANCES?
I came to ask myself again about all of these when my friend and I got into this topic over text. I was always the sentimental and hopeless romantic between us, but I stood about chances and choices while she was very firm that it was fate. We were of course talking about relationships. I had only been younger and single I would have just agreed with her right away. But when you talk about marriage, children, and families at risks, you cannot just resign everything to fate and let destiny take where it will bring you. I will definitely make my choice, and I am sure to take options that will not just benefit me, but the people I love. Of course we all heard about ‘think about your own happiness”, but how can you just think of yourself and don’t give a damn of others, especially when those others, are innocent children whom you’re taking away the right to live a normal life.

life holds no promises to what will come our way.
it makes no guarantees as to what we will have.
it just gives us time to make choices and take chances...

Often when these things happen, we rule to it down on how the relationship started in the first place. And like all things, everything will turn out well if you’ve been well prepared eversince. To some will argue again, “but we’re human, and feelings bound to change”. Then, what are those wedding vows for? Is it because we only wanted the triumphs over the sorrows? the riches over poverty? When we change isn’t it should be for the better? Then why would our feelings for our partner fade when it should have been greater? I don’t believe too on holding on and sacrifices because you love. Love should always be equated to happiness and positive things. But I believe about seeing the good in every person. That behind the worst we see in someone, there still lays a good heart waiting to be opened. Besides why always have the pointing fingers on our partners. Maybe we just have to ask ourselves first, “what have I done? What else can I still do?” Goodness is constantly multiplied and reciprocated. The next time we got the chance, let us choose to be good and do good.
Super thank you to Crissy who always sheds light amidst life’s uncertainties. He never fails to brighten up my moods and encourage me to be a better person. With my flaws and imperfections, he never runs out of ways in showing how much I am appreciated. If really you were my destiny and my fate is to be yours forever, let it be. With you, I will always take chances. And remember, I am not just one lucky wife, I have been blessed.
All my love….3sha

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