Lunes, Agosto 27, 2012

blue moon

BLUE MOON June 30, 2007
Blue moon is a rare phenomenon that happens as far as I know when a full moon occurs twice in a month. This becomes possible of course because the month of February has lesser days. I also thought before that during this time, the moon would be blue literally, but it wasn’t. Since it rarely happens, I waited for it last Friday. And, of course I didn’t let it pass without taking pictures.

The moon had always fascinated me especially that I grow up in a rural area, when during full moon; we would all stay out and play in the streets. Before the emergence of televisions in our community, the past time had always been staying out at night. There, my cousins and I would play “Patintero”, and the teenagers would be chatting and sometimes singing with the guitar. Videoke was also nowhere then. “Sayang kan bulan kung pagkaturogan”, so the saying goes then.

“Once in a blue moon”, is an idiomatic expression, to connote a thing that rarely happens.


  • That I have my eye brows done… I just don’t know how, that’s why on important occasions that somebody would fix my hair and do my make-up it‘s the only time that it’s done too. But it’s really no big deal to me that my brows just look all natural most of the time.
  • That I have confessions… I know I should be doing it more often; it’s just that I don’t know why it didn’t become a habit to me. So must I say that I just refrain from making sins?
  • That I shed bucket of tears… Tears as they say is the words coming from our hearts, it isn’t a sign of weakness but an affirmation that we are just human. Of course from time to time drop of tears would roll on my face, like when Crissy just pissed me off. I am also likely to shed tears when I laugh. But I am thankful that there’s no reason for me to cry to my hearts content for a long time now.
  • That I find a new friend… But when I do, I keep the friendship forever.
  • That I’ll be in the mood to listen to music…Maybe because I really love to be in the midst of silence. It is during those silent times that I can recollect my thoughts and appreciate the wonderful things around.
  • That I bitch… I always try to be one kind-hearted soul but c’mon there are times when you just want to be that bitch and for once wage war to all the people who get on your nerves all throughout. Sweet revenge is in my vocabulary too.
  • That I swear… especially addressing it to a person. Because I don’t want to be hearing it too. During our college years, it was so common hearing my friends swear and they would say they seldom hear me do it, but when I did, they couldn’t take it. Crissy could hurt me real bad if he does swear when he’s mad even if he don’t actually throw it straight to me. I have always expected everybody to be cautious with words even at the heat of anger.
  • That I bare the craziness in me…I am still a crazy young girl inside. I love to do crazy things at times. But I only allow Crissy to see that side of me. Only he can appreciate the craziness I have…

I've read it somewhere that,
…to be in love with a person during a blue moon, is to be in love with the person permanently.

blue moon kaya ng ako'y na-inlove???

o baka blue moon ng ako'y pinanganak....

that made a crazy, romantic fool out of me.

3sha 3sha

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