Linggo, Agosto 26, 2012

Dear Lord

Dear Lord,

I thank you Lord for giving me Cris. I thank You because You allow me to stumble in his life. I am blessed because when You finally gave me
my man, You gave me the best. You have done so much for us and keep on blessing us both.

Forgive me if I have done, said or thought things that hurt him. I ask now for Your forgiveness. Please keep him safe from all dangers and harm. Help me to start each day with an overflowing love for him and plenty of gratitude for his selfless love for me. Let me make the best of each and every day so our relationship will grow stronger and deeper.

Please broaden my mind so I can accept all his shortcomings. Let me not criticize his deeds without hearing him first. Let me continue to see sin and temptation through God’s eyes and acknowledged it as evil. And when I sin too, allow him to have a huge amount of understanding and the will to forgive. And when it seems that our relationship is drifting from nowhere, let me remember our promise of undying love for each other. It’s the best thing to hold on when we are pushed beyond our limits. I know that when our relationship is shaking you are there to guide and give it strength. May we always remember to honor our commitment.

Continue to bless me so that I may be a blessing to him. Keep me strong so that in times of his weakness, I can be his strength. Keep him uplifted too so, that he may have words of encouragement for me when I am down. I pray for those dreams of ours to come true. I pray that now that are clothed as one, we will share not just love but life. I pray that we will be blessed with children who will bring us joy and pride. I pray that You will also blessed us with the capacity to help other people. I believe that God answers all our prayers and wants the best for us always. I pray for all our love ones.

For each endeavor of ours, may it always be realized and may a brighter future await ahead of us. I pray for peace, love and joy in our future home; that we are out of debt and all our needs are met.

Our life and love is in our hands for us to fight. I pray that Cris and I will be together for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for worst, even death won’t do us part. This is my prayer.

In Jesus name. Amen.

***this was just adapted from my favorite prayer ever since. i don't know who wrote the original.. i just got it from a forwarded e-mail.

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