Martes, Agosto 28, 2012

revisiting Barotac Viejo, Iloilo

the YMAM group with Mayor Raul Tupas

Saturday had always been my favorite day of the week for I can stay late in bed., even waking up after noontime already. But today, much as I wanted to sleep more especially that rain was pouring heavy outside, I had promised my boss to be with them today. So there, at 8am sharp the driver was already knocking at our house.
I am not really required to attend celebrations in relation to their religious worship but we had talked with the mayor that our livelihood program turn-over will be simultaneous with the worship so I was obliged to go. Of course, even if I am a devout Catholic I have nothing against attending at their church.

The supposed to be an hour and a half trip will become three hours for us since my boss won't allow the car to speed up. We were just on the dot for the start of the program. Actually, they wouldn't start unless we arrived. It's one thing Koreans can be admired of. They are on time. I remember just this week too when they had many visitors. Fifteen minutes before the five o'clock meeting time, everyone were already there.

Anyway, I had fun again with the mountain ranges of Barotac. I guess this is the only mountainous part of Iloilo. Of course taking pictures of the children who gamely pose before the camera as usual. Plus they prepared sumptuous foods. I really love when they prepare foods because they never include pork on the menu. More on seafoods which are my real favorite

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