Lunes, Agosto 27, 2012

life is beautiful

Sometimes, fate has a cruel way of putting things together. Maybe it’s better if people just give up when there’s no point in fighting for something anymore. When the ship has finally sailed, only a fool would go after it when it’s already miles away. But sometimes, it’s a lot better to be a fool to go after what we want and need rather than to regret everything in the end because we never even tried.”

Capt. Jack Sparrow

In life, we always search for answers because we want to prove to ourselves that we had made the right decision…But the truth is, we can’t search for what’s not there. Things happen because it’s meant to happen. That’s why we forgive people who hurt us. We love people who don’t love us and we smile at every painful break of our hearts... At the end of the day, the lessons you’ll get are the answers you were searching for.”

Things to be thankful of:
1. the alarm clock that goes off early in the morning; it means that you are still alive
2. for weary muscles at the end of the day; it means you’re capable of working hard
3. for clothes that fit a little snug; it means you have enough to eat
4. for the mess to clean up after a party; it means you have friends who surround you
5. for the taxes you pay; it means you have work
6. and for many text messages in your inbox; it means you are being thought of.

 Don’t focus on what you lost but what remains.. Don’t focus on the pain but on how the pain is shaping your character.. Don’t focus on the failure but on the great lessons learned.

We can love someone and just be happy about it even if we know that it cannot lasts forever. It’s not about having someone. It’s not about being in a relationship. But it’s about being happy because you know you have loved someone. There is a purpose behind all events and this purpose develops you as a person. Whatever relationship you have right now in your life, it is precisely the one you need at the moment… Stay happy because it helps you grow.

It doesn’t matter what other people think or say.. you don’t live to please them.. what matter is you’ve made the most of what you have.. you had fun, you learned from what you’ve done and lived through it all despite the gossips and intrigues.. that’s being real… just live a life fearless of other people’s shadows..

You won’t fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground. You won’t fully enjoy a boat ride unless you remove the ropes from the river bank. Your dog won’t fully enjoy his/her “dog life” unless you remove the chain on his/her neck. Lesson? Never ever limit yourself when it comes to happiness. Learn how to let go and move on. Life is beautiful.

Never push yourself to the limits, humans do have limitations! Remember that even metals get tired! So, rest if you must.. but never surrender…

It always feels good hearing your phone beep and you got a message. Never mind if it’s just a forwarded one, the fact that they remember do counts. I especially love receiving quotes about life. I now came to the point of existence that I am loving life. Although I must say that I have much to love about life, not having to go through painful stages and not having to mend a broken heart once. I guess it has always been because fate has been so kind to me or it was otherwise? I learned to live my life one day at a time. I learned to stop envying others for what they got, to believe in myself, and to trust God that He knows best.

No one really could define how one’s life could be beautiful for we all got our own definitions. Nobody has the power to dictate us how to run our lives. Not even our own parents or our spouses. I often say that my husband is my life not because he is running my life but because he is the major reason of its “colors”. Whether it would be colorful or dark, it will always be still upon my perception. Others had expected me to be the submissive wife, (parang di daw kasi ako makabasag- pinggan) yes, I am at some point, but not to the extent that he is already running my life. Love is out of the question here. What make our relationship strong are our own individual personalities merging into one. After all, he doesn’t need a shadow to complement his life, he needs someone to walk hand and hand and be a partner not a mere supporter.

aah...I am indeed one lucky girl living my beautiful life...

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