Linggo, Agosto 26, 2012

terms of endearment

Endearment – kind word (n.) praise, admiring comment, flattery remark, tribute, accolade,   sweet nothing

Every now and then, I always had fascination for calling in a different way people around me. But of course it’s a term of endearment rather than name calling. Ever since my husband and I used to call each other “ek”, because were both maek-ek. I don’t even know what the word exactly meant, but for us it was some sort of being weird, crazy, romantic, sensitive, and all that.

I call him too “loves,  plural form maybe of overflowing of love. Of course, “baby”, as what most bf-gf’s call each other. I think because deep within us there will always be a child that wants to be babied. And, there was a time I will call him “daddy”, for I really felt that I was way immature than him then, that I need a lot of pampering. My friend Suzy even calls him that way too. Now, I tease him by calling him “sweet baby”, after the print on the shirt that he gave me. At times, I would call him “blue slippers’, because upon reaching home it’s his blue slippers we bought at the grocery for such a small amount that he would look for. He would name me too “brown slippers”.

For my nieces and nephews, I also had my own terms of endearment for them. Jewel is “bodangdang”, she was born so chubby and cute. At times, I’ll call her, “jewelry shop”. Kian becomes “Keanu” and Dave, “Davide”. To Jen Denise my pet name is “Jedai” and for Lorenz Kyle, it’s “Kayla”. For Denzyll Dwyne it’s “Denzyyl Washington”. Pauline Grace who was really named after our grandparents, is “Paulina Gracia”. And, Aaron John Kenneth is simply “Boy” to us, though my husband calls him “Boy-boy.”

How I would call my siblings when we were younger is carried on to this day.
Our eldest sister Karen became “Kharedz”. Dennis is “Padhenz”, Keith is “Paugs”, Donna is “Phanatic”, Hannah is “Hanana” and Hanica is “Nikik”. That’s why I am risha too now, because I was “Dorisha” to them.

During our Philtranco days, my friends will call me “Doring’. Then my friends, Jam is “Jaming” and Nerfe is “Ne-pie”. I love naming my other friends Suzette as “Susay” and Lalaine as “La-lai-na”. In my college days, my very good friend Gie is “Bru” for me. Even if we call each other bruha, we haven'tbeen bruha in each other lives.

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