Linggo, Agosto 26, 2012

lessons i learned over the weekend

1.Sometimes, you have to put walls up around you. Not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to break them just to be with you. I received this text message from my youngest sis and it did catch me. It justifies my attitude. However, I have to be aware that it comes with the word “sometimes”, so I must not be doing it all the time. Yet, I have always tried to reach out naman, it’s just that there are really people around me na kailangan talaga ‘yong extra effort to be closer with them. Sila ‘yong mga tao na pareho ko kasi ang attitude.

2. Do not be a friend to your kids. Be their parent. I watched from the Monday episode of Oprah. All along, I thought that it would be best if I become my children’s friend, in the future, I mean, but then they are right. Our children will have many friends in their lifetime but they will only have one parent. So, we must be that parent for them.

3. Put your marriage above your children. It sounds like being unfair to our children but then, there is a point. If the children see how their parents cherish each other, they will feel loved as well.

4. Keep your word. One thing that my Korean boss emphasized as part of their culture that is observed strictly, is keeping a promise. Be it done in an important meeting or in a casual conversation. Or be it with a high profile person or to an ordinary one. He would ask me repeatedly why Filipinos would arrive late or cancel an appointment without even bothering to text or call him, if they cannot make it.

5. Keep your family intact. The past week we have seen how Kris Aquino makes a stand about it and I’ve always believe it too since then. Others would also say that it is better to separate than fight each day but I always believe that there is no person so bad, especially he is the man you married, that he would be too difficult to live with. Sabi nga, ‘when we cannot find a reason to love someone anymore, then that is the time when we have to teach ourselves to love some more and give some more.”

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