Linggo, Agosto 26, 2012

my prayer

Today i can't help but continously thank God for giving me Cris as my husband. All the time, he never failed to show me how much i am loved by him. He always has been the ever  understanding ek love i knew, even for all my faults, i thought so, he will get mad about. That is why in all my prayers,he comes first because i just wished for his happiness and safety all the time.
I knew he still has a lot of dreams and somehow, i feel i can't really be of help especially on our financial matters, much as i wanted to. There are instances that i know he get so pressured with the fact that he is the man, and therefore he has to provide. He always felt that he is not providing enough even though we are financially okay. Maybe he just feared so much that there would come a time that we would be in great need. But as of now, i just want him to feel that he not be so pressured because i am not expecting too so much from him. I just want him first to enjoy his work at the same time. To see his work as something to be fun with not just a source of living. 
Maybe if there's one thing i would pray about, it is for him to reach his dreams. And then, for him to appreciate that we are blessed enough. I cannot blame him too if there are times that i still find him complaining about life. I know it was not always been easy working miles away. How can he appreciate all he got when he has to live his life apart from his love ones.
Yet, i never lose hope that at the right time, God will eventually grant us with the capacity to live together for all the time we want. Though i know, it would still mean quite a few years, i am willing to wait for such time. And for now, i just have to feel the joy that our love for each other remains strong even if are distances apart. 

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